Saturday, March 10, 2012

Girls Night In: Sushi

My friend Lisa called and wanted to plan a girls night. By girls she meant her two girls(each with a friend) and of course me. I had to say yes because Thing2 is one of the friends and Lisa wanted me to teach them how to make sushi. Now, I have only made sushi a few times, but I am always up for a party that includes cooking and eating. If any Japanese person is reading this, I hope you won't be offended at my amateur approach to the beautiful art of sushi making. I know it takes 1 year just to learn to make sushi rice.  I won't be posting the recipe because it is so complicated, but I have a little kit that contains the bamboo roller and a book with great pictures and directions. Check your local bookstore for such books. There are tons.

Lisa's oldest daughter is taking a photography class. She was teaching Thing2 and me how to use her fancy camera. The pics in this post were taken with my lame point and shoot. I have a lot to learn about sushi and photography.

Thing2 fooling with the rice. Note: orange polka dot fingernails. That's my girl.

Sliced cucumbers add that nice crunch. They look pretty, too.

Here is the eel sauce. That yummy, salty, sweet,brown, gooey substance you drizzle on sushi.

This is Beignet, the Bichon. He wasn't sure about the eel sauce.

Here is the real eel. That was fun to say.

Finished product. The girls loved it. So did the moms.
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